Sunday, February 06, 2005

Don't Overlook The Anti-Aging Properties

Press Release 02-07-2005:

Considered by experts to be the most nutritionally dense food on our planet, many alternative health practitioners and marketers alike are spreading the word about the remarkable health benefits for the goji berry known by its latin term Lycium Barbarum.

The recent printing of "The Doctor's Report" is packed with testimonial after testimonial from several professional Medical Doctors, both on a personal level as well as results they have seen with their patients. With the overwhelming flood of positive health stories pouring in, the number one benefit for this tiny red berry might be easily overlooked.

However, now that the juice form of the original bloodline for the goji berry referenced in Ancient Asian texts has been available for just over a year, long term users have been reporting some pretty amazing anti-aging results that are worth noting.

We've been receiving several testimonials supporting the anti-aging claims and studies, including: darker hair color, more youthful and radiant skin, increased flexibility and stamina, increased mental clarity, and much more.

On one recent call, a gentleman gleefully announced his hair was growing back after 20 years of being bald. Unfortunately we didn't catch his name and don't have before and after pictures to substantiate his claim. He did tell us that he has been drinking the juice daily for just over 11 months. And he was thrilled to tell us he couldn't wait to find out if his barber remembered him. He couldn't wait to see his reaction.

If you passed the goji berry by when the news first broke about this powerful juice, it might be time to come back and take a closer look.

You can contact us at for a free copy of "The Doctor's Report" as well as any additional information on the subject.

Around our home, one thing has definitely resulted from our daily consumption of the juice. We've all felt the effects of the "happy berry" in more ways than one.