Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Omega-3 and Aggressive Behavior

By now, you've probably heard the expression "we are what we eat" but I'm thinking most of us have never applied it to how we act or react, behaviorally speaking.

A new Omega-3 study conducted in Brooklyn on test subjects with a history of substance abuse targeted behavior -- specifically aggressive behavior -- with some surprising results.

According to NutraIngredientsUSA:
A small, double-blind study found that those who took 3g of fish oil per day had lower levels of anger, potentially reducing tendency towards aggressive behavior. The trial, conducted at the Veterans Administration New York Harbor Healthcare System in Brooklyn, involved 24 people with a history of substance abuse who were participants in an outpatient treatment program.
To sum it up... "The 13 patients who received the fish oil showed a clinically significant and progressive decrease in their POMS anger subscale scores. No change was observed in the 11 patients in the placebo group."

To view the entire news article visit this link.

Hmmmm... it kind of gives new meaning to the "old wives tale" about the benefits of giving children cod liver oil, doesn't it?